Saturday, December 5, 2009

Five on the Fifth - December 2009

five on the fifth

OK, Stephen Chapman has the blog State of the Nation UK, where he has the fascinating feature, Five on the Fifth. It features five pictures taken each month on the fifth or coming up on the fifth, either on a theme he suggests in advance, or on a topic of your own choosing. I have been wanting to participate since I first saw if a few months ago, but about the time I start getting my act together, things have cropped up and I haven't been able to get the shots taken. This month, Stephen suggested the theme of signs, and I was planning what I was going to do, and, well, life kicked in once again. Somehow or another, my car had two, count'em TWO, flat tires. And the rainiest December in some time. So, I missed out again, but decided to be a bit proactive here, and go through some photos I had taken before and pick out five which fell under the category, and post them. If I just start, maybe next time I will get my shit together and have five fresh shots to show. I will submit it to Stephen, and he can either accept them or not, and I will try to do better next time.

five on the fifth
A ride at the Wilmington Flower Show, Wilmington, DE

five on the fifth
Stop sign in front of the White House, Washington, DC

five on the fifth
The sign for the Chelsea Hotel, New York, NY

five on the fifth
Tom Goss singing in front of the World Cafe Live! sign, Philadelphia, PA

five on the fifth
Aiden James tuning his guitar in front of 'Please Curb Your Dog' sign, Philadelphia, PA



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