Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Five on the 5th - May 2010

five on the fifth

Another month has arrived, and Stephen Chapman's fantastic and fun Five on the 5th posts, and I am again taking part in the festivities.

5 on the fifth: You take 5 photographs on the 5th of the month (or the days leading up to the 5th) - post a comment on Stephen's blog with your name, location and link to the site containing your photos and Stephen updates the blog entry with your information. Remember to mention his blog on your own site so that your visitors get to see the other contributions.

To visit the entries from last month, click here. Check into Stephen's blog on the first of the month, where he will post the subject of the month's study, which you can accept for decide to go in another direction. Stephen's blog is located here. He is always looking for suggest for the next topic, so stop by and let him know your thoughts. This month, the theme is A Journey.

In keeping with the theme, I have decided to take on the last big journey I took, to Barcelona 10 years ago. I took it with the one my sister & I refer to as stalkerboy, and I just discovered this before the trip. With money invested in airline tickets and hotel reservations, I went through with the trip, although it was a tad uncomfortable. While I was working once, he stopped by the office and spoke to my boss and coworkers about how I was going to quit, since I was so unhappy with the job. It seems he applied for a job for ME at the place he was working, and just never bothered to tell me about any of it. After all, I loved that job. He was also telling other people I was moving in with him, despite the fact I told him I wasn't prepared to do that. Alas, I went to Barcelona with a chip on my shoulder and it was a journey of growth for me, and really enjoyed the city. It is beautiful.






This shot was not taken by me, but was of my and 'stalkerboy'. Can't believe I still had hair that long just 10 years ago.



  1. Wow, amazing, lovely photos. Gosh look at your hair, that's amazingly long teehee.

  2. Gorgeous pics. Weird about stalker boy, though.

  3. Jason, Barcelona is beautiful. And the hair, well...

    My Time, thank you.

    Wonder Man, LOL

    NewLeaf, thank you. Yes, that was weird...



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