In 1983, there was no American Idol, no Simon, Randy or Paula on our televisions. But there was a premiere of a show some of us might remember well, Star Search. The talent show was hosted by Ed McMahon, and featured performers in music (both groups and vocalists), dance, comedy and the innocuous category of 'Spokesmodel. It was reminiscent of the old Ted Mack Amateur Hour, as the talent shows were an old staple of the entertainment industry. That first season, there was a young man from Oklahoma with tuxedo jacket that didn't quite fit, converse high-tops and a booming voice that took the world by storm. Sam Harris seemingly came from nowhere, but of course, the singer had been doing shows all around Los Angeles, and winning the Frank Sinatra Pop Singing Award, and the endorsement of Frank himself before going on the show. But it was his soaring rendition of Over The Rainbow that earned him high praise and attention. Soon he was on the radio, taking to the Broadway stage, and being featured on television shows. Sam also came out as a proud gay man, and he and his partner adopted a baby a few years ago.

Sm really does have an incredible voice, and a style very much his own. He would often infuse his songs with great emotion, or with biting comedy. Take, for example, his lovely performance of Jonathan King's Everyone's Gone To The Moon.
Sam has been very active online, and would make videos for his online fans. One of those videos he made was this clip of Sam covering a song by the great Bonnie Raitt, I Can't Make You Love Me.
Flor more about Sam Harris, check out his official website here. You can find his official YouTube channel here.You can also find him active in the social medias, with Twitter here and FaceBook here. However, I would be remiss if I didn't include one gem that I found on his YouTube channel. It is Sam singing Bust Your Windows.
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