Tonight at 9PM/8PM Central Time, the second episode of the third season is to be broadcast on BBC America. As I tend to do, I will recap the episode, although there is no fear about too many spoilers, as I leave the last 20-30 minutes of the episode to you.

First, of course, we have a recap about the premiere episode, one I am still experiencing a bit of a buzz about. Not only have my favorite characters returned, but they brought another friend along, played by Robson Green. And that Mitchell had gone to Hell, well really Purgatory, and brought back Annie after having a little 'This Is Your Murderous Life' thing with Lia. She also told Mitchell that his time was near, and it was a werewolf that would kill him, a wolf-shaped bullet.

So, this episode starts with us peeping in on a family in a small Welsh town in 1985. The mother & father were telling the son they were moving, although the son was wanting none of it. So, he announces he is hungry, and the father lends him his arm, and the boy feeds. A vampire! In the background of this scene, we can hear the lovely sound of The Human League's hit song,
Next, everyone waking up, and Annie eager to wait on Mitchell hand and foot. He has an interview at the hospital for a job, and she insists on going with him. George and Nina show up to work, and as Nina check on a patient, she sees a vampire feeding on the elderly man. She interrupts, calls George, and they start chasing him down the hallway. Surprisingly enough, no one helps them out. Nina catches up with him, discover he a bit of a brat.

Nina gives Mitchell advice freely, and it soon looks like he is talking to himself, not a good thing during an interview. It doesn't go well at all. Cut back to Nina & George with Adam, the teenage vampire. He is all sarcasm and sexual, neither of which impresses the guys. Including his snark about doggy-style. They find out his mother is gone, and the father is lying up in a room in the hospital, so Nina wants to step in, which George is against. Of course, Nina wins, and George bring the 46-year-old teen back home, hoping to hand him off to Mitchell.

Meanwhile, Mitchell is stopped outside by a gentleman he doesn't know. And by gentleman, I mean another vampire whose name I don't know. Turns out it is Richard Hardgraves, and he is there to talk to Mitchell for the Vampire Elders. He tries to push Mitchell around, and although he initially rejects him, with the mention of the Box Tunnel 20, Mitchell concedes and goes with him. George arrives home with Adam, who proceeds to hit on Annie, much to everyone's disgust. George sends him to his room. Back to Mitchell, he is told the Elders expect him, and Hardgraves, in the import/export business, arranged to for him to travel on his next ship to South America. And Mitchell doesn't really have a choice in the matter.Hardgraves tell him he is weak and craven, and while Mitchell scoff at 'a vampire taking the high moral ground,' he grabs the envelope of money, which he says does not note acceptance, and walks away.
Back at the hotel, George is trying to lay own some ground rules, to help Adam settle in. Annie pops in on them, which scares Adam. Of course, he hits on her a few seconds later, but he is a teen, kinda. Mitchell arrives home, and George goes to give him to low-down. Adam follows him, and overhears Mitchell refusing to take part in this plan. Soon he seems to concede to the plan, but once they are alone, he tell Adam he wasn't him to stay far from him. Adam refers to Mitchell as the 'Wiffy Goth' and tells him "just because you are a vampire doesn't mean you have to smell like the undead. One word, Mitch, deodorant. Shhhhhh." Annie walks up to talk to Mitchell, and Adam exits, while giving Annie signs to meeting and having sex. Annie is there with the next phases of her plan to get Mitchell a job, after the debacle of the interview. She's written a reference letter, hoping to get Mitchell that job. George immediate comes in, looking for Adam, who is in the kitchen.

Next we see Adam at the hospital, talking to George and Nina. Things are not looking good for Adam's father, and he was asking about his son. Nina sends Adam in to give him some time alone, and the father is quite sweet, telling him he was always his 'little boy.' He is weak, and soon passes away, and Adam watches as he passes through the door to the afterlife. This leaves the teen scared and confused. He calls for Nina, who tells him the father is gone. He goes out to talk to George, and just as he is about to open up, Nina sends him in to say goodbye to his father. When they check on him, he is gone. As they start to look for him, the 1977 song
Peaches by The Stranglers plays.
We see Adam follow some Peaches into an arcade. He needs to feed, that much we know. He approaches a blond, who answers, although not with much interest. As Nina and George enter the arcade, the two teens head out. Adam is overly aggressive, and mentions her pale skin, so he can see her veins. He moves in and just as he is about to bite, Nina grabs him, saving the girl, who, as she explained to Nina, was just looking to kill some time in the afternoon. They bring him back home, seeking Mitchell's assistance.
Mitchell is at a loss, fearing that having the loose cannon teenager around will make his own cravings stronger, he offers Hardgraves card as a resource to help with the kid. It is decided that George and Nina will bring him to Hardgraves, where Mr. Mrs. Hardgraves fawn all over him, especially when letting him drink from the carafe of freshly-drawn blood. Mind you, they are not very polite with the werewolves. But they do get the tour, including a chance to meet #7, the seventh food source for the Hardgraves, a man who voluntarily allows them to drink his blood, while being treated as either a child or a pet. He speaks of who Richard and Emma make him feel special, although Nina is less than impressed.

They come in from the garden, and the wife is feeding him cookies, rubbing his leg. Once George and Nina are gone, they talk of celebrating Adam's arrival with a special party, with feeding and new sheets on the menu. At home, Mitchell is watching TV when a news report of the Box Tunnel 20 comes on, causing him anxiety. As he drinks, the news switches to sports, but the announcer speaks of Mitchell's clash with an unnamed vampire - is this a hallucination, or has Lia told everyone the news?
George and Nina return, but can't really be comfortable with leaving Adam with those people. They decide to go get Adam and return to the hotel with him. As they are leaving, we see Mitchell is packing a bag, as if he is preparing for a trip to South America. Annie comes in on him, and he talkes a break because he has a message, and Annie is sure it is about the job.

Will Mitchell get the job, and if he does, will he stay in Wales? Will George and Nina be in time to pick up Adam, or will he be too far gone in the decadence of a new lifestyle? Does this mean out happy quartet will be a party of five?Will his arms look as good as they do in that picture above all season long? At what point will the song
Aisha by Death In Vegas be heard in the background?
To find out the answers to those questions and more, watch BBC America Saturday night 9PM, 8PM Central time. For more about the show, you can check the official website