I first found the films of Paul Bright when watching ANGORA RANCH, a 2006 release, on DVD. The film as filled with intelligence and charm, which I found irresistible. I continued with the writer/director/actor on his journey, eagerly awaiting his next projects, many of which I covered on this blog. So I was very happy to hear he was working on a new project, his 10th feature film.
Identity theft is one of the fastest growing crimes in America and it's no wonder with all the data breaches occurring at stores and financial institutions. Paul Bright's latest feature film STARS IN HIS EYES creates a felonious theft from a different source – a horoscope hotline. And the innocent victims are gay clients seeking new direction in their lives.
To complete the scheme the Mafia frames a chatty phone operator named Bob Hope (James Dixon, pictured above) who already has a felony conviction for civil disobedience. Meanwhile Hope is falling in love with the hotline's lawyer who is part of the scam.
What would be an overwrought drama is instead a quirky comedy with witty and playful horoscope 'experts' giving relationship advice to heartsick romantics. Unaware of their employer's scheme the underpaid staff discover they are the perpetrators of a massive crime.
Hope manages to take this devastating development and turn it into unexpected opportunity for the victims and his co-workers. The tricky part is getting away with it.
STARS IN HIS EYES films in Portland Oregon in early spring 2018. Written and directed by Paul Bright. Starring James Dixon, Jonas Israel, Walter Petryk and Paul Bright in the role of the dishonest lawyer.
STARS IN HIS EYES is the romantic comedy for 2018. It's funny, witty, sharp, 90 minutes of pure entertainment. For more about STARS IN HIS EYES, visit the official website and the official Facebook page.