Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Matthew Duffy • Clever Lover

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Singer/songwriter Matthew Duffy has released a new video to promote the great music found on his latest album, Spunk Pumpers Unite. Earlier videos from the album included Man Out Of U, featuring a guest appearance of Ronnie Kroell. Duffy also included a fantastic cover of Pete Shelley's Homosapien on the album. The Clever Lover video has an interesting feel, at times hypnotic, while also telling a more linear tale of heartache, of being wounded. Some times we wear a mask to hide behind, and at other times we might need it to add an extra layer of protecting our exposed skin.

Clever Lover appears on the album Spunk Pumpers Unite! You can find it on iTunes and Amazon. You can also find out more about Matthew Duffy on his official website. You can also find him on Facebook.

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  1. WOW this kid is trying way to hard to be BRANDON HILTON/MADONNA, the voice, the music, the hair, the style.. Its sad that people feel like they have to copy in order to get attention

    would have been a great song if it wasnt so REDUCTIVE

  2. Hmmm, Anonymous, I don't think I would agree with you. I think it is interesting and good music, but I also have the benefit of listening to the entire Spunk Pumpers Unite release. And I could also consider it sad that people would want to leave anonymous insulting comments on blogs.
