Friday, March 30, 2012

What Happened To Grandma • Memories

What Happened To Grandma

The other day I was minding my own business and checking my email, and I had an email from a cute man from the North, Mark Munroe. I had featured the Canadian singer/songwriter on the release of his single Secrets & Lies. But it wasn't about his own music, instead he wanted to point out to me some new music by the Canadian group What Happened To Grandma.

Mark told me a bit of their story, how they were separated at a young age, but at last long-lost brothers Alex and Matt found each other in 2010. It appears their shared DNA along with a great love of music drew them together, and are making their own flavor of new-wave dance music in a big way. With a sound that's reminiscent of the synth driven dance-pop of that era, the Canadian-Russian duo is doing just that, with incredibly crisp production and punchy filled-with-attitude vocals. Their sometimes dark and foreboding lyrics mix perfectly with their heavy but danceable instrumentals leaving listeners wondering why they ever listened to anything else. Well it won't be long before everyone is talking about What Happened To Grandma.

You can get a FREE DOWNLOAD of the single here. You can also find them on Facebook.

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